24 research outputs found

    Life and work of architect Nikola Nestorović (1868-1957)

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    Никола Несторовић један је од најзначајнијих архитеката у Србији, чије је стваралаштво обележило и обогатило, београдску и српску архитектуру током последње деценије деветнаестог и прве деценије двадесетог века. Иако је у историографији препознат као носилац новог стила сецесије, као и да је његов градитељски опус имао утицај на развој новије српске архитектуре, целокупан стваралачки, научни и стручно-публицистички рад, до сада није био предмет посебног истраживања. Ова дисертација има за циљ да истражи све аспекте деловања Николе Несторовића, са посебним освртом на контекст у коме је стварао, кроз дефинисање утицаја и извора под којим су дела настајала, као и подстицајних али и негативних утицаја средине, који су се одразили на његово стваралаштво. Тежиште рада је на расветљавању појединачних фаза и појава, поређењем са примерима из окружења, као и из средина које су могле да имају непосредни утицај на његово професионално деловање и градитељски опус. У складу са предметом и циљевима проучавања, истраживање је темељено на историографском методу заснованом на прикупљању, анализирању, класификацији и квалификацији свих доступних примарних и секундарних извора од значаја за исцрпно истраживање улоге и стваралаштва Николе Несторовића. До данас је познато да је пројектовао шездесетосам објеката, углавном јавне, пословне и стамбене намене, док се у домену сакралне архитектуре опробао на два пројекта, односно конкурсна рада. Стваралачка делатност од три деценије и велика продуктивност, омогућили су свеобухватно сагледавање, не само пројектантског опуса аутора, него и српске архитектуре тог периода и појединих њених најзначајнијих примера, чији је управо Несторовић аутор. Образован у духу академизма, а савремен у схватањима, током целог стваралачког рада кретао се између академских постулата и савремених сецесијских тежњи, под утицајем средине у којој је стварао. На почетку каријере канони академизма су му послужили као сигурни и проверени ослонац, да би кроз сарадњу са архитектом Андром Стевановићем, остварио већу сигурност и слободу у индивидуалнијем уметничком изразу...Nikola Nestorović is one of the most important Serbian architects, whose work marked and enriched architecture of Belgrade and Serbia during the last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century. Although recognized in historiography as the representative of a new style of Secession, and despite the fact that his architectural oeuvre had a strong impact on the development of modern Serbian architecture, his entire creative, scientific and professional-journalistic work so far has not been the subject of a separate study. This thesis aims to explore all aspects of the work of Nikola Nestorović, with special reference to the context in which it was created, by defining influences and sources under which the work evolved, as well as incentives and negative environmental impacts which reflected to his creativity. The focus of this research is to shed light on the individual phases and phenomena, by comparing them with examples from the vicinity, as well as the cultural centers that could have the direct influence on his professional activities and architectural opus. In accordance with the object and purpose of the study, the research is found on historiographical method based on the collecting, analyzing, classification and qualification of all available primary and secondary sources relevant to exhaustively research the role and creativity of Nikola Nestorović. Until now, it is known that he designed sixty eight buildings, mostly public, commercial and residential, while in the domain of religious architecture he participated on two architectural competition. Highly productive creative opus, which lasted for three decades, provided the ground for the comprehensive understanding, not only of the works of the author, but also of the Serbian architecture of that period, period in which some of most important examples have been created by Nestorović. Educated in the academic style, having contemporary perceptions, throughout his creative work Nestorović ranged from academic postulates to contemporary Secession tendencies, influenced by the environment in which he created. At the beginning of his career, the academic canons served as a safe and proven base ground for his creations. Afterwards, through collaboration with the architect Andra Stevanović, Nestorović reached more confident and highly individual artistic expression. Acceptance of Secession and modern aspirations had a deeper basis in Nestorović contemporary personality and his constant search of new formal, functional and structural possibilities of architecture..

    National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (vol 13, 517, 2022) : National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (517), 10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9)

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    Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2022.In this article the author name ‘Agustin Ibanez’ was incorrectly written as ‘Augustin Ibanez’. The original article has been corrected.Peer reviewe

    Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning

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    At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a global problem. Despite all the efforts to emphasize the relevance of preventive measures, not everyone adhered to them. Thus, learning more about the characteristics determining attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic is crucial to improving future interventions. In this study, we applied machine learning on the multinational data collected by the International Collaboration on the Social and Moral Psychology of COVID-19 (N = 51,404) to test the predictive efficacy of constructs from social, moral, cognitive, and personality psychology, as well as socio-demographic factors, in the attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic. The results point to several valuable insights. Internalized moral identity provided the most consistent predictive contribution—individuals perceiving moral traits as central to their self-concept reported higher adherence to preventive measures. Similar results were found for morality as cooperation, symbolized moral identity, self-control, open-mindedness, and collective narcissism, while the inverse relationship was evident for the endorsement of conspiracy theories. However, we also found a non-neglible variability in the explained variance and predictive contributions with respect to macro-level factors such as the pandemic stage or cultural region. Overall, the results underscore the importance of morality-related and contextual factors in understanding adherence to public health recommendations during the pandemic.Peer reviewe

    Author Correction: National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic

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    Correction to: Nature Communications https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9, published online 26 January 2022

    Life and work of architect Nikola Nestorović (1868-1957)

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    Никола Несторовић један је од најзначајнијих архитеката у Србији, чије је стваралаштво обележило и обогатило, београдску и српску архитектуру током последње деценије деветнаестог и прве деценије двадесетог века. Иако је у историографији препознат као носилац новог стила сецесије, као и да је његов градитељски опус имао утицај на развој новије српске архитектуре, целокупан стваралачки, научни и стручно-публицистички рад, до сада није био предмет посебног истраживања. Ова дисертација има за циљ да истражи све аспекте деловања Николе Несторовића, са посебним освртом на контекст у коме је стварао, кроз дефинисање утицаја и извора под којим су дела настајала, као и подстицајних али и негативних утицаја средине, који су се одразили на његово стваралаштво. Тежиште рада је на расветљавању појединачних фаза и појава, поређењем са примерима из окружења, као и из средина које су могле да имају непосредни утицај на његово професионално деловање и градитељски опус. У складу са предметом и циљевима проучавања, истраживање је темељено на историографском методу заснованом на прикупљању, анализирању, класификацији и квалификацији свих доступних примарних и секундарних извора од значаја за исцрпно истраживање улоге и стваралаштва Николе Несторовића. До данас је познато да је пројектовао шездесетосам објеката, углавном јавне, пословне и стамбене намене, док се у домену сакралне архитектуре опробао на два пројекта, односно конкурсна рада. Стваралачка делатност од три деценије и велика продуктивност, омогућили су свеобухватно сагледавање, не само пројектантског опуса аутора, него и српске архитектуре тог периода и појединих њених најзначајнијих примера, чији је управо Несторовић аутор. Образован у духу академизма, а савремен у схватањима, током целог стваралачког рада кретао се између академских постулата и савремених сецесијских тежњи, под утицајем средине у којој је стварао. На почетку каријере канони академизма су му послужили као сигурни и проверени ослонац, да би кроз сарадњу са архитектом Андром Стевановићем, остварио већу сигурност и слободу у индивидуалнијем уметничком изразу...Nikola Nestorović is one of the most important Serbian architects, whose work marked and enriched architecture of Belgrade and Serbia during the last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century. Although recognized in historiography as the representative of a new style of Secession, and despite the fact that his architectural oeuvre had a strong impact on the development of modern Serbian architecture, his entire creative, scientific and professional-journalistic work so far has not been the subject of a separate study. This thesis aims to explore all aspects of the work of Nikola Nestorović, with special reference to the context in which it was created, by defining influences and sources under which the work evolved, as well as incentives and negative environmental impacts which reflected to his creativity. The focus of this research is to shed light on the individual phases and phenomena, by comparing them with examples from the vicinity, as well as the cultural centers that could have the direct influence on his professional activities and architectural opus. In accordance with the object and purpose of the study, the research is found on historiographical method based on the collecting, analyzing, classification and qualification of all available primary and secondary sources relevant to exhaustively research the role and creativity of Nikola Nestorović. Until now, it is known that he designed sixty eight buildings, mostly public, commercial and residential, while in the domain of religious architecture he participated on two architectural competition. Highly productive creative opus, which lasted for three decades, provided the ground for the comprehensive understanding, not only of the works of the author, but also of the Serbian architecture of that period, period in which some of most important examples have been created by Nestorović. Educated in the academic style, having contemporary perceptions, throughout his creative work Nestorović ranged from academic postulates to contemporary Secession tendencies, influenced by the environment in which he created. At the beginning of his career, the academic canons served as a safe and proven base ground for his creations. Afterwards, through collaboration with the architect Andra Stevanović, Nestorović reached more confident and highly individual artistic expression. Acceptance of Secession and modern aspirations had a deeper basis in Nestorović contemporary personality and his constant search of new formal, functional and structural possibilities of architecture..

    Optimizacija i unapređenje sinteze i karakterizacije bazaltnog liva

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    Tehničko rešenje kategorije M85 - Novo tehničko rešenje (nije komercijalizovano

    Correlation between crystal structure and morphology of potentiostatically electrodeposited silver dendritic nanostructures

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    Silver dendritic nanonstructures obtained by the potentiostatic electrolysis from different electrolytes at different overpotentials were characterized by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique and X-ray diffraction analysis of the produced particles. The needle-like and fern-like dendrites were formed from the nitrate electrolyte at overpotentials inside and outside plateaus of the limiting diffusion current density, respectively. The three-dimensional pine-like dendrites constructed from approximately spherical grains were formed from the ammonium electrolyte at overpotentials both inside and outside plateaus of the limiting diffusion current density. The morphology of silver dendrites was correlated with their crystal structure at the semi quantiative level. The change of crystal orientation from the strong (111) preferred orientation for the needle-like dendrites to almost randomly orientied spherical grains in the pine-like dendrites obtained at the overpotential outside the plateau of the limiting diffusion current density was observed. This trend in change of crystal orientation and morphology of Ag nanostructures was accompanied by considerable increase of the specific surface area (SSA) of the produced powders. The average crystallite sizes were in the range of 38-50 nm, proving nanostructural character of the formed Ag particles